While holed up in our bedroom for two days, Matt literally tore our house apart. For a fabulous reason, though. New floors!! Ever since we moved into our home we've "endured" the typical "whitish" carpet and 80's white tile (with dirt and grime ground into the grout since the '80's). White carpet + young children + sippy cups = dalmatian carpet.
Matt decided to do some of the demolition to cut part of the installation cost. The installer came on Monday to quote us and thought they'd be done by Wednesday or Thursday.
Well...a wavy concrete floor and a wife who didn't know the thermostats were supposed to be on and set to 78 and so, in her wisdom, turned the unit off to save money were some major setbacks. Today, Friday, the four of us are still camped out at my parents' house wearing the same two outfits for the past five days I(for all of you germaphobes...we have been washing them!).
There's a chance they'll lay the floors today or tomorrow. No guarantee though.
And even better news...
We're having a girl! We've selected a name but I'm not sure if I'll blog about it yet. I'll let you know before she's here though.
I'm 20 weeks! Throughout this pregnancy I have literally been thankful for each day, knowing that none of them are promised. So, thank you, Lord, for twenty weeks. They have been glorious.
I will hopefully be able to post a belly pic (a clothed belly pic...I'm not judging others who choose to show their beautiful pregnant skin...I, personally, just can't do it :) ).
I'm on my parents' computer right now...I'll see if I can find a random picture to post. I have a hard time posting without some visual. Happy Friday, everyone!

Reid on the slip-n-slide at my parents' in 2007.