Thirteen years ago, a college student sat among many his age stunned by the answer to the question, "For whom did Christ die?" He would never be the same. (For the answer to that question, read
John Piper's article or listen to
his sermon . Note: I do not wish to enter into a theological debate so please refrain from sending comments that would stir up a discussion to that end. Thank you.) In that sermon, the Lord used His humble vessel, Pastor John, to lay a foundation for what was to come for the young man and his future wife and family. For, if the Lord had not so powerfully spoken through him--if Louie & Shelley Giglio hadn't invited him to speak--if the vision of Passion had not been cast, we wouldn't have had ground to stand on when we heard the words, "brain cancer."
Now, I know God could have used a myriad of mouthpieces but He sovereignly chose the Passion Conference in Austin, Texas in 1997. Two years later as a college Freshman, my heart was set aflame to say "Yes, Lord...whatever You have for me, my answer is Yes, Lord." At the time I had no idea I would be saying, Yes, Lord. I will walk the path of brain cancer with my husband for Your glory and my joy."
"Yes, Lord, walking in the way of Your truth, we wait eagerly for You; Your name and renown are the desire of our souls." Isaiah 26:8
So, I ask you to pray. Pray that there will be another young man, another young woman whose view of God is much too small--whose foundation will not be enough on which to stand when their world falls apart--whose purpose in life is the eternally dismal "American dream" instead of the infinitely joyous joining with the saints for the advancement of the gospel to the ends of the earth. Pray they will be utterly ruined. For His glory and their joy.
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