The Sunday before the "event," I opened my Bible intending to study a specific text in John. When the pages fell open, the title page of the book of Job stared me squarely in the face. I'm not normally one to play the magic eight ball game with the Bible but I'm also not one to believe in mere coincidence. The Lord--in His sure presence--was readying my heart. He was reminding me that nothing, absolutely nothing, can happen to Matt, the kids, other loved ones, or me without first passing through His hands. Satan had to ask permission to sift Job. The prince of this world is but a pawn in the Lord's plan.
This mass, tumor, whatever it is, is but an agent to bring Him greater glory and us greater joy.
Matt and I were both encouraged to read this Scripture from a brother in Christ:
For the righteous will never be moved;
he will be remembered forever.
He is not afraid of bad news;
his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD.
His heart is steady;
he will not be afraid,
until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.
Psalm 112:6 - 8
Wonderful post, Lauren. My husband and I here in MN have been listening to Matt's messages for a long time and were so shocked and sad to hear of the events on Thurs. We are thinking of and praying for you & your family in the coming days. Bless you!!!
You are in so many prayers!!
I have been listening to your husband's sermons ever since metro at prestonwood. Your husband has been an awesome servant of Christ through his messages. It is because of God speaking through Matt, that I am challenged each day to live and breathe for His glory. I am praying for Matt's recovery and your family, but also for His will be to be done and glorified.
Chris & I are praying for you guys.
I will be preying for you and MAtt in the up coming days and week. I preay the mass will be benign and easy to remove.
Diana Hill (we went to HSU together, my maiden name is Sarles)
My wife and I have been praying for Matt, you, your family, and your church since we heard the news and will continue to lift you up in our prayers.
lauren, you don't know me and i don't know you. but i start every day with a matt chandler podcast and he's been like a virtual mentor to me. i'm on "the field" in the middle east and have grown so much in my relationship with the LORD, thanks to the ministry at the village. my heart has been sick for the last few days, since hearing the news about matt. please know you have so many people praying and loving you guys...all over the world. to God be the glory and to the chandlers be all the strength you need.
(Psalm 92:12-15)
This was a huge encouragement for me as I'm waiting to hear back about some tests for my mom that would change everything for me... Matt and your entire beautiful family are being prayed over so much right now!
Though we've never met and probably never will, Matt's preaching has been hugely influential in my life here in NC, and your family is in the prayers of mine.
I'm grateful for a sovereign Father who uses tragedy to glorify Himself and I am hopeful that this will reveal itself to be a great honor bestowed and servant's prayer answered.
What a great perspective! We are praying for your family. Praying for complete healing!
I faced a terrible tragedy three months ago - like you, I felt God lead me to Job's story. And I resonate with the idea of God preparing us for the most difficult things in life because I feel that way about this tragedy in my own life. No matter what, the Lord is our Shield, our Fortress, and our Comfort. He is able to make good out of the worst situations. I'm so glad y'all know Him. My prayers are with you from Raleigh.
Praying. Hoping you feel all the love and peace that is being sent your way. Love you guys.
Amen. Standing with you guys in prayer.
Lauren, You and Matt are in my prayers. I know that the wilderness seasons are times of intense testing but also of experiencing the sweetness of God's nearness. As the Psalm states, "the nearness of my God is my good." I know you are feeling the prayers of the thousands right now....I am praying for you to know His nearness and His goodness in this time.
My husband and I are local church planters and have been following your ministry for a while. We prayed corportately and privately for you, Matt and the kids yesterday.
Our church will continue to pray for healing and a shield for your family. As a pastor's wife, my heart truly goes out to you.
You and your relationship with God is such an inspiration.
Praying for you and your family.
Lauren, thanks for sharing your heart with us today. We are continually praying for you, Matt and the kids. Your family is a huge blessing to many.
I understand what you are going through. I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma and it was scary. Those verses helped me to remember that God is Sovereign. God is sovereign in your situation. Not be afraid but trust in Him. He is for you not against you and will use this for His glory.
I believe that totally and completely, Lauren. You already know this, but we are praying daily for you and Matt. I know that you have a very hectic life right now, but Joy and I have covenanted with ourselves to walk through this with you.
Nine years ago when I was on the verge of death, the Lord interceded, and we know His purposes and power are great. We will walk through this valley with you both, and we will be an encouragement in any way you want.
Matt and Lauren, We are praying for you here at FBC Jacksonville, FL. We love you both and your family! God will be glorified!
Praying for your family.
Thank you for making much of God through this situation. Praying for you and your family.
This is absolutely beautiful. I am praying for Matt and the entire family.
-A brother (in the Lord) in Florida whom you've never met
"Then Job replied to the LORD :
"I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted." Job 42.1-2
Just want to say thanks!
Been listening to the podcast for some time, and it is a blessing!
Praying for you, and your family!
God can do all things!
"Satan had to ask permission to sift Job."
That just leaps off the screen at me. How often do we give too much power to that scumbag?
I'm so sorry for what you're going through and you will be in my family's prayers.
Thank you for sharing this. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Matt and the kids as you walk this path with Jesus. Through the internet God has used Matt as a great inspiration to me through his preaching. Thank you
Praying for you and your family. You all have blessed me all the way on the East Coast
Your family is in our prayers! God is always faithful and He ALWAYS works things for our good! We're looking forward to the testimonies of God's glory revealed!
Sure you know this, but there are lots of us even in Memphis praying for you guys. Love you and your family.
This reassurance is the only source of my day-to-day sanity.
Thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts with us Lauren! God has used Matt's teaching so much in our family's lives these past couple of years... and especially helped with my fears of disease. It means so much to see your family walk through this past week just shining a BIG HUGE SPOTLIGHT on our GOD! We are praying for you here in Ohio... May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in HIM so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 15:13.
Wow. I understand the fear of finding something "unexpected". We will be praying for you, the kids, and healing in Matt. I know you have awesome support there, but if you guys need anything please don't hesitate to call us.
We're praying for your family and the Church, To God be the Glory
Many prayers for you and your family in this difficult time. What a relief to know that the God of the universe holds it all in His Hands. As many times as you are brought to mind you will be lifted up.
I love you, just want you to know that. You always say exactly what I hope my heart would feel in that moment. I am praying for you specifically these days, as I know your burden is greater than I can imagine. Love you...
praying. may He steady your hearts as you trust in Him.
Hope everything goes well tomorrow and in the days that follow.
"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD for ever,
for the LORD is an everlasting rock." ~ Is 26:3-4 esv
From John your brother in Christ, in Mayo, Ireland.
Praying and believing with you for God's glory.
girl, I was JUST thinking about these photos and how much they will mean to you in the months to come and how they capture your life in that moment and how fast moments can change. But that God will never change... same today as yesterday and tomorrow.
I"m so glad God included books like Job and that the bible isn't just a story of healing and miracles but of pain and suffering and of His mighty hand in those times as well.
You don't know me but my heart's been heavy for you today. And I just wanted to say I'm praying for you. As you live moment by changing moment in front of countless others and in the most deepest quietest depths of your heart. May the unchanging God be ever there in both!
We send our love and prayers from Atlanta!
Lauren -
You and your family have been on my mind and in my prayers all day. Yesterday morning, our church prayed for Matt. (We go to a brand new church in Addison called Restoration Church.) Then, I saw your comments on your facebook page, and I have just been burdened to pray for you ever since. Since watching my husband go through a life-threatening medical ordeal this past spring, God has just caused my heart to feel a huge connection with other people going through similar trials. I wanted to share with you the lyrics to the Third Day song "40 Days", which was the song I listened to on my way to and from the hospital during the six weeks my husband was there. (I'm sure you've heard it before but here ya go):
Here I am at what feels like the end
And so I come to You, my Lord, again
With this burden buried deep within
This heart that You have made
In this trial that I'm going through
I don't question 'cause I know it's true
That the sorrow brings me back to You
And You have made me stronger
It's been forty days and forty nights
Down the road of many trials
And I pray it's only for a season
'Cause in the wilderness and in the flood
You're the one I'm thinking of
And I know You've brought me for a reason
I have one more thing I've got to say
Before they try to take my life away
Let it be known that I am not afraid
Let Your will be done, Lord.
NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, God will give you the strength you need each day and He WILL bring you through this trial for a reason! May the peace of the Lord be with you as you travel the road ahead.
Kate Wallace (Beth Eager's cousin)
I am praying for you and Matt often. May God continue to bring you peace and reassurance.
Loving you.
My family and I are praying for you. I told our congregation on Sunday that although many of them do not know Matt and the Chandler family that each one of them has been impacted by your ministry because of its impact on me their Pastor. We all prayed together for Matt's healing and peace for the Lauren and the Chandler family. You are being lifted up here in North Carolina. You are loved by a large group of brothers and sisters here that you have never met in person. You are not alone in this. The sovereign God is covering you and his people are lifting you up. May God's peace that passes all understanding be upon you. You are dearly loved.
Amazing to see God's grace and provision in this. Thank you for sharing this Lauren. You're family is in my fervent prayers.
Thank you for reminding us that it's ALL for His glory. Your strength & hope in the Lord are an inspiration. Praying for you guys daily!
My wife always found the following to be encouraging and I hope it is encouraging for you and your family at this time, as well.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you. Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written, 'I believed, and so I spoke,' we also believe, and so we also speak, knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence. For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God. So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. - 2 Corinthians 4:5-18
I'm so encouraged by your family's response, perspective & witness... Praying that God would continue to guard your hearts and minds with assurances of His Sovereignty.
In Love,
iam yet praying for your family. believing God. Thanl you for sharing in the midst of this.
Amen, indeed. What a witness your family is and will continue to be during this. You all remain in our prayers.
Dear Lauren I'm a covenant member at HV and want this to hopefully encourage and rest your roots even deeper in His Sovreign Joy and tender mercies.
Isaiah 431-5a
"But NOW, thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are MINE.!!
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you: when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel your Savior. I give Egypt as your ransom, Cush and Seba in exchange for you. Because you are precious in my eyes and honored and I love you. I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life. Fear not for I am with you!"
May He be most glorified.
Thanks for sharing! Y'all's faith is encouraging. I, too, had one of those providential flips of late but to Esther's plea before the King, which then led perfectly into Job. Robbie and I are both praising God for you guys and pleading before our heavenly King for you guys. Praying Philippians 4:4-7 for you and our church family.
Thanks for sharing this, Lauren. You all are in our prayers!
One of Matt's tweets reminded me of what you spoke about when he wrote "I am His and I am confident". Those words resounded in my soul when I read them and created a praise in me that has continued to this moment. I know that those words will be reiterated from my lips many times over my life. I am excited to see the revelation God shows you and your family through this time. The greater the trial, the greater He is allowed to show Himself- I praise God for your husband, he has spoken truth the past year that has led me into a relationship with Jesus that I didn't think possible. My families' prayers are with yours.
The book of Job has an entirely different perspective and meaning when your very own world is rocked to the core by something of this magnitude. I know of which I speak, and at the present time, sit in the center of suffering through a trial of which there is no certainty or reasoning whatsoever. The Lord has made clear to me only one thing in all of it: He told me to find comfort, peace and security in the person of Christ Jesus and nothing else! That is what I cling to every mili-second of every single day. I have nothing else and that is exactly what he wants me to have. Nothing but Jesus. His grace is sufficient! Earnestly praying for His grace to be sufficient for you as well.
I have heard about your "story" through a friend. I just wanted you to know that even though I do not kow you, I am praying.
My husband (32) had a massive seizure last april and was told he had a large mass in the frontal left lobe of his brain. He underwent surgery 3 days later. 4 weeks after surgery he wa almost himself again. He just finished 6 months of chemo and the last MRI came back clear.
I know the panic of a strong man weakend from a seizure. To see your superman in a hospital bed...the fear of the unknown...knowing God will do what He wills to do...
God is glorified in our obedience...even in brain tumors.
I promise to continue to pray for your family and your husband.
My husband and I are from Dallas but have moved around a lot over the past few years. Whenever we are home we love to worship at The Village. God has used Matt's teaching to continually challenge and encourage us through the podcast, even when we've been far away. And your blog has been a tremendous source of encouragement to me as a wife, new mom, and just as a woman over the past couple of years.
God's goodness is made so evident by your family's peace in this storm. Thanks for taking the time to share.
Thank you for sharing Lauren. I was telling my 9 year old daughter that I've never really cared for a pastor the way I care for your family. Pastors have always been unknowns to me - you know, just the guy up there preaching. The amazing thing is that I don't know you and Matt personally either! We may have said hello while I was working the parking lot or while doing lyrics, but you guys wouldn't know my name. That's what I've loved most about The Village - there's a closeness and openness there that I've never experienced before. Please know that your family is loved by so many people. You are constantly in our prayers. Praise God that nothing happens to us without His permission! What joy can be found in that thought!
... love & prayers from across the miles. thanks for sharing the psalm.
DJ and I have been, and will continue to pray for you guys. We are so encouraged by your faith and steadfast trust in the Lord and are confident in Psalm 84:11 that even in this, the Lord is not withholding good from your family. Please let us know if you need anything at all.
I pause during the day....I awake in the night -- praying for my sweet Pastor...
In this difficult time...my mind and heart are turned to the cross -- the power...the Light in the darkest night.
Love you mucho!
Praying for you and your family. Matt has touched so many lives and we have faith in God that he will watch over Matt and your family. Many prayers and hugs are with you.
Lauren, thank you for sharing this. Praying so hard.
Love your hearts in this. But not so much your hearts, but that they make me love Jesus more. Thanks for being faithful.
-an unknown podcaster
The Lord is surely being glorified through your words, your family's trust in Him, and the way the leaders of our church are handling all of this!! What an amazing group of believers! We are all blessed to be apart of this journey of life with you guys. Praying for you, Matt, the doctors and your children...
"Overwhelm me, Shake the ground I stand on, I want to be dependent ON YOU, and ONLY YOU!!"
From Guatemala and Casa de Libertad Church, our prayers are with you.
Our family is lifting you and Matt up in our daily prayers. The Lord has blessed you and Matt..teaching the gospel and leading his children right back to him.
We are praying for Audrey, Reed, and Nora that the Lord will protect thier little hearts during this time!
You're already bringing Him glory by your faith in Him. We are praying for you.
Thank you for sharing your journey. I am praying, watching and desiring to learn from what you are experiencing.
our family, our community group and our church is praying for your family.
As I sat listening to Josh this Sunday my heart was so heavy, knowing the news that was coming. But as we prayed the question that came to my heart was...Do you trust me? And the answer, of course, you know I do Lord. I smiled with peace and remembered this song by Twila. Love you guys, and am of course praying and waiting to see how the Lord is glorified in this. God bless and keep you.
Do I trust you Lord, Twila Paris - Sometimes my little heart can't understand. What's in your will? What's in your plan? So many times I'm tempted to ask you why. But I can never forget it for long, Lord, what you do could not be wrong, So I believe you, even when I must cry. Do I trust you Lord? Does the river flow? Do I trust you Lord? Does the north wind blow?
You can see my heart, you can read my mind And You've got to know I would rather die Than to lose my faith in the one I love. Do I trust you Lord? Do I trust you?
Lord, I'm keeping my eyes on you,
Following you, following you.
My Lord, I'm keeping my eyes on you
Following you, following you.
I won't look to the left or right
My only goal is keeping you in my sight. Lord, I'm keeping my eyes on you, Following you, following you. My Lord, I'm keeping my eyes on you Following you, following you, My Lord.
We will glorify the King of Kings.
We will glorify the Lamb.
We will the glorify the Lord of Lords Who is the great I Am.
Who is the great I Am.
Who is...I will trust you, Lord, when I don't know why.
I will trust you, Lord, till the day I die. I will trust you, Lord, when I'm blind with pain.
You were God before and you never change. I will trust you.
I will trust you.
I will trust you Lord.
Jesus is and has always been beautiful through your family. We love the Chandler family and are praying down here is Austin. Much love to you all.
Some verses I've found comfort in over the years and hope you'll find comfort in too :-) I love you guys and am praying!!
"It is GOOD for me that I was afflicted, That I may learn Your statutes...I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are righteous, And that IN FAITHFULNESS You have afflicted me." Ps119:71,75
Even though the audience sees/attributes Satan (in the beginning of Job), who is it that righteous Job sees/attributes (think "the pure in heart SEE GOD" and "all things are pure to those whose hearts are pure" Titus 1:15)? Job sees/says: "The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD...Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?... For HE inflicts pain, and gives relief; HE wounds, and His hands also heal...Though HE slay me, I will hope in Him...He delivers the afflicted in their affliction, And opens their ear in time of oppression...[Job's friends] consoled him and comforted him for all the adversities that THE LORD had brought on him." Job 1:21, 2:10, 5:18, 13:15, 36:15, 42:11
"I am the one who creates the light AND makes the darkness. I am the one who sends good times AND bad times. I, the LORD, AM THE ONE who does THESE THINGS." Is45:7 "See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me; It is I who put to death AND give life. I have wounded AND it is I who heal, And there is no one who can deliver from My hand." De32:39 "For He has torn us, BUT He will heal us; He has wounded us, BUT He will bandage us." Ho6:1 "the LORD binds up the fracture of His people AND heals the bruise He has inflicted." Is30:26 "For if HE causes grief, Then HE WILL have compassion According to His abundant lovingkindness." Lamentations 3:32
We are praying for you all. I am so happy to see that verse. When I saw that tumor in Isaiah's heart I thought my heart was going to stop. I remember stopping and saying to myself... satin you will not have me. You Know I was blessed to pray for a child that was waiting for a heart. Yes it was a bitter sweet moment but if I was so in to my sorrow, I would not have seen or heard God in that waiting room. Ask for Gods eyes and His ears so you can see what He wants you to see and hear what He wants you to do and the strength to do it, and just stand with out fear because God is right there holding your hand. Every time fear would find its way in my mind I would hold on to God tighter. I tell you it was only God loving on me through that time. I pray that He dose the same for you. I have many storms but I know God is using me to fine tune me or fine tune some one else through me. Either way I know God is about to move me some where satin doesn’t want me, so I put on my amour and I say ok God lets go to war. When I get tired I curled up in His arms and He keeps me warm. The stronger the storms get the more God surrounds me in peace and energy that still has me in awe. I pray that God gives you what He gave me; JOY that has you wanting more and so much of it that when you walk in a room it would just spill out to every one that comes in your path. Let God get His SHINE ON.
We love you much, be blessed
The Camack family
Praying for Matt's health and your family's rest in the Father, Lauren.
Matt's and your ministry has changed my life and my relationship to God. I live in Michigan but the news of your faithfulness and praise for God has reached even me. I praise God and Christ that is in you. You will be in my prayers and God be praised, not cursed, throughout your (and our) suffering.
In Christ,
Matt and Lauren, I am a pastor of a small country church. I graduated from ETBU just a few years ago and am currently attending Southwestern. Every week (without fail) I listen to Matt's sermon(s) on my way to class (a two hour drive). God has used your ministry to profoundly influence my walk with Christ, my family, and my church. Thank you for your faithfulness to Christ. I pray that your trust will continue to be in the LORD and that you will find rest in Christ Jesus.
Sweet Lauren-
Even though you dont know us, we are blessed so much by your family. Praying for peace for you all and for God to be glorified.
Much Love-
The Kaufmann Family
Great stuff =)
Your husband has impacted my life so much and many will be encouraged by his steadfastness and your faith through all of this!
So encouraged by your faith and the Lord's sovereignty in this.
Praying today glorifies Him and gives you greater joy.
Lauren please know that I am keeping you and yours in my prayers. I seem to be sending up arrow prayers whenever the Lord brings all, or even one of you to my mind. The Lord is in your midst and He is so pleased with the ways you and Matt have already chosen to honor and celebrate HIM in this circumstance. He WILL continue to be your faithful portion. Reid, Audrey, and Norah are already learning the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord through your decision to trust and surrender to Him in all things. Blessings to the Chandlers :) The prayers will not cease!
Amen! Praying for all of you!
Praying. The Lord is sovereign and He is good; may you rest in both.
Lauren, this is Christina Perron- my husband Michael was the Singles minister at Prestonwood and I believe Matt and Michael know each other. Our son Grayson survived a brain tumor last year. We found out in August and two surgeries later, he is a walking miracle. We've been where you are and if we could be of any help or support, we'd be honored. There is so much doctor "lingo" that it can be confusing at times and often what got us through was talking to another family who had been through the same thing. It wasn't that they had the answers, it was just the comfort of knowing that they really "understood" where we were. Should you want to reach out, you can do so at www.summitlifechurch.org or cperron11@tx.rr.com Lastly, I will leave you with this......Walking through that experience was something i'd never wish upon anyone; at the same time it was one of the greatest times of our lives....growing in our faith and living life in the Kingdom as His ambassadors- the way God intended us to shine for Him....Blessings and peace to each of you.
Covering you and your family in prayers and know that God will amaze us all with His perfectly timed provisions! Sending our love- The Heckler family
Linked here from FB. We will be praying for Matt and your family. Several of us up here in Kansas listen to his sermons and greatly appreciate his work. God's blessings upon you all. WB
Lauren, I just recently found out about the news from a friends tweet on twitter. Honestly, I've never heard of the Village Church or your husband, however we are the Body. =)
I was greatly encouraged by your blog post; my heart desired to praise our King!
My prayer for you and the family is that you all would remain stedfast in Christ even during the darkest of times when Satan is tempting you all to not trust in His Sovereignty.
May you be aware of His constant presence and peace...
Your sister in Christ,
Matt & Lauren, please know that we are praying for you and trust the Lord is supplying the peace that surpasses all understanding for all of you. Love, Mandy, Jason, & Family
Phil. 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Praising God for you and your family and so grateful for how He has used the teaching Matt sets forth to grow us ever closer to HIM. Our family is praying for you both and know that just as you said satan is just a pawn in the HIS hand and that HE is soverign in all things ang that this too will bring Glory to Him...thank you for sharing.
I don't know y'all personally, but if I can guess, you guys are a pretty amazing and godly family. I know you guys love the Lord with all your heart, and you know He works out all things for the good to those who love Him.
I admire your strength and courage, Lauren- I know it's completely from the Lord. I am praying for Matt and your family during this time. Thanks for sharing.
In His glory and honor,
praying for your precious family.
the hulsey family in Borger TX
Praying for Matt, you and the rest of the family.
We have been praying for your family since we found out Thanksgiving- your faithfullness is encouraging. We are continuing to pray for and plead with God for Matt's recovery!
Know that y'all are prayed for in Prairie Village, KS! I'm from the DFW area originally and have continued to follow the Village via podcast since I moved. Your family has an incredible impact myself as well as the ministry I work for. Remember our God is a strong tower, the righteous run to Him and are saved!
My heart was sick when I heard about Matt. I love listening to him on podcast and even visited your church around Christmas last year. I've already been praying for you and your family and will continue. Stay in God's Word and He'll keep your heart and mind secure.
your steadfast faith is encouraging and humbling to our family. we love you guys and are pleading with the father on your behalf.
pretty cool friend's blog i read; you would appreciate. praying for your family.
Count our family as ones in prayer as well.
Matt's messages have been a blessing to us.
I can't imagine the ebb and flow of emotions. Our hearts are with you and your family.
Hi Lauren. I've had intentions to send you a note for several weeks now and just haven't done it, then was led to your blog by Matt's tweet a couple days ago and wanted to let you all know the Ambuehl Family is praying for the 5 of you. I'm in the women's study on Wednesday morning and my daughter Liza Jane just adores Audrey. She's 4 and I'm so thankful that she has a sweet little girl just a few years older to admire. B/c of how much Liza Jane talks about Audrey, she's been overwhelmingly on my heart this week. "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace..."
i just heard of matt's tumor and we will be praying for matt and your family during this time. may the peace of God guard your heart and your mind as you trust in Him.
christy ogden
I am a faithful podcaster of the Village Church in Raleigh NC. I haven't ceased to pray for you and Matt as you are going through this sifting and suffering. When I heard of what happened, my mind went to Job and God's purposes for His servant in allowing affliction. I am praying for increased faith in Jesus as your older brother who has gone before you in this, so that he can carry you through this as well as a heart that will place all that the Lord gives into his hands. After you have suffered for a little while the God of all grace will Himself, perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. Oh that we long for the new city and all that we know here will be no more, because He makes all things new. Rev 21:1-5, Rev 22:1-7. Praying for you like a beast and so thankful for your partnership in the Gospel.
grace upon grace
Kristin Cook, Treasuring Christ Church, Raleigh NC
Matt Redman recently wrote a song based on Psalm 62:
1 My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.
2 He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
When I listened to this song earlier this week, I thought of your family so I thought I would share the lyrics with you.
Praying for Matt and your family!
To God's glory,
"We Shall Not Be Shaken" by Matt Redman
When everything's breaking
You are left unshaken
When everything's tumbling down
You're the solid ground
Nations could be quaking
Economies failing
When fear is found all around
You're the solid ground
Our God, You are all that You say You are
You never change, You never fail, You never fade
Our God, You are faithful in all Your ways
Forever You stand, forever You reign, forever remain
And we shall not be shaken
We shall, we shall not be shaken
We shall, we shall not be shaken
When all around is sinking sand
For You are, You are never changing
You are, You are never changing
You will stand, the Great I am
My family and I have been there. We are in the same season of life as you all are and I had a battle with Cancer earlier this year. Psalm 91 is a Psalm I prayed out loud on difficult days and claimed it, and now I pray it for you and Matt as well. I make it personal, so I hope I don't take it out of context:
"1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." 3 Surely he will save “me” from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover “me” with his feathers, and under his wings “I” will find refuge; his faithfulness will be “my” shield and rampart.
5 “I” will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
...... 9 If “I” make the Most High “my” dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge-10 then no harm will befall “me”, no disaster will come near “my” tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning “me” to guard "me" in all “my” ways; 12 they will lift “me” up in their hands, so that “I” will not strike “my” foot against a stone. 13 “I” will tread upon the lion and the cobra; “I” will trample the great lion and the serpent. 14 "Because “Matt” loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 “Matt” will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life will I satisfy “Matt” and show him my salvation."
My wife keeps a blog and recorded our journey on it. http://thehallfamilypage.blogspot.com/ Most of it is in February through June. We are here if you all need anyone to talk to that has been there and in the same season of life. brandonandwindy@yahoo.com
We are praying that the tumor is not cancerous and that God heals Matt quickly. Love - the Halls.
Lauren we are praying!
We love you guys!
The Gormans-
DFW is very blessed to "THEM-CHANDLERS"
Matt- a mature man who speaks truth & handles his home/business affairs in a true GODLY manner- Not a gold cufflink in the house.
God is with both the expected and unexpected. Like you said, nothing can happen that is not at the hand of God. God has and will continue to provide, comfort, and make His name known.
We don't yet know you and Matt personally, but we've been at the Denton campus for nearly a year (recently covenant members). We are praying for you and Matt constantly and will continue.
To God be the glory...
The DeWoody's (Dale and Susan)
Thank you for sharing.
Praying for your family.
Romans 5:1-5
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
My husband John and I regularly listen to Matt's sermons online. We have found it very difficult to find in depth teaching of God's word where we live. So Matt, has been an oasis for us in a sense. We always learn so much about who God is, and his message to us through the Bible throught Matt's preaching. We pray for you today, for the kids, and especially for the healing of Matt. He proclaims the word of the Lord to so many people around the globe. I know God will do mighty things through your family as you testify how the Lord has held you in the palm of His hand during these times. I prayed for you on my way to work today as I listend to the song "Healer" on the radio. I feel like the Lord allowed that song to be played so that I would dedicate my 30 minute drive to work to pray for Matt. I just wanted you to know that you are being lifted up all over the globe.
In Him,
Huntsville, AL
Matt and Lauren,
Just a "village-podcast-junky" from Canada wanting to let you know that we are praying for you and your family through all of this.
Hey Lauren,
Our fam goes to Mars Hill-Lake City campus and we wanted to let you know that our family and community group are praying for you guys.
...and I had to pass along to various friends the "if you give a mom a muffin" poem that my husband had somehow found on your blog. I was laughing so hard I was crying--that is my days right now.
Many of my friends on twitter were tweeting about this. I do not know you're family, but it gives me so much hope to see Christians coming together even on the internet for this situation. I pray that God continues comfort your family, and for a speedy recovery for your husband, Matt. I pray that in this season, you continue to cling on to the Sovereign God who is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. I am reminded of "Desert Song" by Hillsong- "All of my life, in every season, You are still God. I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship."
You don't know me and I didn't know anything about you or your husband until our pastor played the clip from him speaking about Jesus wants the rose. You'll never know just how that has affected me. I've only learned what your family is going through because people in my church know. Nevertheless, your family is constantly in my prayers.
Love in Christ
Praying for you all, and asking for prayers for 12 year old Maria, who is having brain surgery for a tumor on 12/5 at 8:30 AM EST -- doctors originally thought it to be inoperable. Not sure of prognosis, but PLEASE pray for this sweet girl, one of 10 beautiful children in her family of faithful homeschoolers. God bless, and thank you for prayers.
Beautiful! I'm praying for y'all, all the way over here in NC. Heard Matt is doing well today after his surgery. We'll keep praying!
as your sister in Christ writing from Holland, Michigan, I am moved to tears this morning by God's goodness in preparing your heart. Thank you for being responsive to Him with praise. My husband and I have been praying for Matt several times daily and can't wait to continue to watch God use this.
I think my comment was deleted or got lost somehow but want you to know that prayers are being offered up from Illinois!
I live in Mississippi, but I have listened to Matt's sermons on podcasts for a couple of years now. He has been such a blessing to me and to my family even though we have never met or even stepped foot into the Village. (But we do plan to do this shortly after his return) Please know that we are praying for Matt, you and the children. Your family is such a testimony to the world of how christian marriages and families are to be. Stay grounded in Christ and rely on Him daily and He will carry you through.
I burn Matt's podcasts to CD and my husband and I go to 'church' on any car ride over an hour. We don't have a church home here in Virginia Beach and Matt's messages mean quite a lot to us. My husband is a retired Marine, it takes someone special to touch his heart and Matt does indeed touch his heart.
Thank you for sharing your faith through this. My mom passed away last month and my faith wobbled. Seeing your faith remain strong is helping me.
In NASB, one of the verses in Psalm 112 says "He will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord". The Lord brought me to this same verse when I was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. His peace never left me from the moment of diagnosis. Only God can walk us through the fire unscathed by anxieties and charred by worries. The third stanza of "Like a River Glorious" has continued to be of great encouragement:
Every joy or trial falleth from above,
Traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love;
We may trust Him fully all for us to do;
They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.
He also brought Matthew 6:34 to mind A LOT. Just to know that His lovingkindnesses are NEW EVERY MORNING and His faithfulness is great.
Praying for you all.
Lauren, I am a 36-year-old breast cancer survivor and minister's wife-just finishing treatment in October 2009. While my world was turned upside down with the diagnosis, thinking of my husband and young children, I have found his "sure presence" to be constant on this journey. He is good and He is faithful, despite our circumstances. I will be praying for your husband in the name Jehovah Rapha for his healing. I will be praying for you in the name Jehovah Jireh, that He will provide for your needs and sustain you as you support your husband and care for your children. I will be praying for your children in the name Jehovah Roi that He will shepherd their hearts during this journey. Above all, I pray that God will be glorified and that each of you will become even more deperate for Him.
Lauren, we are continuing to pray for Matt. My husband and I recently read the book the Maker's Diet. It made me think of y'all becauuse the diet has helped people with supposedly terminal cancer come back with reports of it completely going away. If you have not read it, I totally recommend it. The Lord is in control, always!
I just found out about your husband while on our trip to MD Anderson. My heart ached and tears rolled down my cheeks as I read the article. It brought me back to August 7, 2008 when my husband had a seizure that led to the discovery of his tumor.
My husband, Ricky, was diagnosed with a grade III Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma. He is now 18 months away from his initial diagnosis and has completed all of his treatments. We are in phase 2 of this journey. The phase where he has MRI's every 2 months to moniter the tumor. As of his appointment on February 9, the area is stable with no signs of regrowth.
I want you to know that I am here for you if you ever need someone to talk to that has been where you are. I just listened to Matt's latest update and know that we will be praying fervently for him to regain his strength before his next round of chemo!
We will continue to pray for you both!
In His love,
Beautiful Faith!
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