"Sometimes He wrings the worship from our hearts."
If you get the chance, read Psalm 107.
There are times when worship overflows easily and effortlessly from a heart full of gratitude and praise. Yet, there are other times when we feel we have nothing left to offer up. We are tired, or thirsty, or imprisoned in our own chains through our own devices, or caught in the waves of a tumultuous sea. This is when God wraps His eternally powerful, ultimately creative, nail-scarred hands around our hearts and squeezes with appropriate might. Our hearts painfully twist and change shape as He wrings the worship out of it. It is a deep worship. It is an honest worship. It is the worship we sometimes forget. The humble worship of crying out to God in the midst of our pain. No flowery words. No shiny faces. Not in that moment. That will come later. But for now, this is the worship He seeks - an honest plea for Him to save us.
"Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress (Psalm 107:6,13, 19 & 28)."
Thank you so much for your 'words of wisdom'. I often find myself coming to your sight to see what insight you have for the day or to see what fun your family is up to. I just read both of your last blogs and am crying because I am totally in that 'spot' where I need to pray, worship, give God my children to take care of, and yet so scared to release all of it. We will pray that God continues to heal Reid, and that He continues to speak through you as well. Blessings for the week...
this is definitely where i am at... thanks for calling and checking on me today. love you!
p.s. i just started a blog, and how do i add my friends pages to my page?
hey i stole borg's idea and put the picture you drew as my background for my Mac! its beautiful! i'm going to email you it... i sorta messed with it too to make it look rustic. :)
Beautiful Thank YOU!
I referenced your post in my blog. I hope that is okay. Thank you for sharing. It has me pondering some great truth!
So powerful. I'm wrecked by this
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