So, I'm pretty proud of myself. For the second time in our marriage (and in my life, really) I quartered a small fryer. If you're not the savvy chef that I am (ha!), small fryer means a nekked (na*ked) chicken with it's head cut off and it's innards removed...thank you, Pilgrim's Pride. I thought about posting the picture I took as proof that I actually did it. But, once I looked at the picture on my camera, it looked pretty disgusting. I didn't want any of my blog readers (the thousands of you) to soil your pretty computers in response to the nekked/headless/quartered/oh-so-very-raw chicken.
So just imagine a nekked/headless/quartered/oh-so-very-raw chicken right...
I know you're probably all wondering, "Well, what did she make??"
The kind person that I am, I will relieve you of the suspense.
.King Ranch Chicken.....Pollo del Rey del Ranch
It was mighty tasty. I'd never made it before but it definitely graduated from experimental to heavy-rotation dish in .2 seconds flat. I've noticed a few other bloggers (Simri and Sunni ) posting some recipes. So I thought I'd throw my hat in there...
King Ranch Chicken
From the Beltway Park Church in Abilene, Texas Cookbook - 1999
(sidenote: this cookbook was given to us as a wedding present...Matt had just accepted a position at the church as College Minister...we loved it!)
THIS RECIPE MAKES 10 SERVINGS! So, you may want to modify it if it's just you, your hubby and your 6 month old...or you and your roommate...or you could live off of it for a couple of weeks.
2 pkgs. corn tortillas
2 fryers, boiled and boned (make sure you save the stock!)
1 onion, chopped (I prefer red/purple onions)
1 green pepper, chopped
1 1/2 tsp. chili powder
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 (10.5 oz) can Ro-Tel tomatoes
1/2 lb. shredded cheese (calls for cheddar but I got Colby Jack)
Dip tortillas in hot chicken broth. Line baking pan with softened tortillas. Add remaining ingredients as listed. Bake in a high lipped 9 x 13 inch pan at 325 for 30 minutes. Serves 10. (I greased the pan before I lined it with tortillas...easier to clean up!)
Yum yum yum yum yum...delicioso!
Those of that don't have the liberty to "de-bone" a naked chicken are thinking, shoot, I can never be Susie Homeaker like LAUREN! BOOOHOOO! :)
Yes, that sounds yummy. BUT, the picture at the end made me laugh out loud!!! SOOOO funny to me:) Very proud that #1. you cooked for your sweet family #2 that it was yummy #3 that you shared it with us!!
I don't want to eat anything that is going to do to me what it did to Audrey. Your cooking is scary!
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