Some things I'm looking forward to this week:

"Heroes" starts again. Matt and I got hooked on this t.v. action/drama last season. Our curiosity got the best of us. We kept trying to figure out how all the pieces would fit. We're suckers for cliffhangers.

Two words. The. Office. Yay!! Who else thinks September 27th is WAY too late to start a new season????? I'm dying here!!
*on a side note: I'm really sad that my favorite "Office"-watcher will be out of town :( ...again...Matt just can't stay home long enough! We'll experience the first episode thousands of miles apart :( I told him to just look at Dwight's bobblehead and know that I'm looking at it too. *sigh*
And, I'm done.
Hi Lauren. It was good to see Matt feeling better and back in the pulpit yesterday. :) I'm happy you're both recovering well.
I've not watched either of these shows, but this past week, while Scott was at home recovering from mono, we began watching Prison Break. Boy is it great. We're now almost finished with season two. It's like 24 in it's twists and turns. Really good.
Of course tonight is the big Dancing with the Stars season premiere. And tomorrow night, Boston Legal. Those are my 2 favorites.
Enjoy your favs this week!
fact: september 27th is indeed too late to start a new season.
Dear Dwight,
At exactly 8 a.m. this morning, someone will poison the coffee. Do not drink the coffee.
More instructions will follow.
Future Dwight
There are no words to describe how relieved I am that The Office starts back up this week. It has been a long summer! They were so funny on the Emmys. I am r-e-a-d-y!
Yay for Heroes! Sorry you're not feeling're definitely in my prayers.
i'm pretty excited about those two things as well! we are going to miss the premier of heroes tonight...but you can watch it for free online! and i'm having an office party with my friend sarah on'll be sweet!
Matt and I love the Office as well. Unfourtantely we don't have cable so we have to wait until it comes out on DVD. It saves us money, but it is hard to wait a whole year to see the Office. I am glad you both are feeling better. Praise Jesus!
well, i tagged you last week so you would have something to blog about. :)
oh and, i made them wash the mike last night before I used it. :)
i keep getting soap on my lips. but, i'd rather have soap than an infection! right? :) hope you had a restful night..
Yes, sister, preach it! Countdown to The Office!
can't wait! LOVE that show. i need something to make me laugh.
you'll be happy to know Target has "the Office" stuff in its dollar section. (like pens, mugs, notepads, etc...)
I couldn't resist and i bought a few things tonight...funny stuff!
Why does the Office have to be on Thursday night, same as CR, I will never understand that. def. can't wait to watch it a few weeks from now when I get to raid someones tivo.
glad your feeling better!!!
I watch Heros too. Gotta love it! My man's a big Office fan so I keep up with it regularly. Gotta love premier week.
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