Today was the kids' first day of Mother's Day Out. They had a blast! Reid literally ran into the classroom, ready to play. Audrey had a great time as well. Her favorite part, when asked, was playing with her friend Harper (who was in her class last year).
Mom got to play with her friends too...Barkley and Donna. We enjoyed a peaceful "date" at Starbucks. Thank you, Lord, for Mother's Day Out!
can audrey be any more precious...I think not!! im glad i got to see them last night, despite their running around the martin bldg. it was a nice distraction :)took away a lot of my nerves i think. thanks 4 your kind words too, they meant so much!
Audrey......she looks so grown-up!!! And do I see a ponytail in her hair?!??!?!?
Good for you!
i love that audrey is cheesing it up in the bushes!
can audrey be any more precious...I think not!! im glad i got to see them last night, despite their running around the martin bldg. it was a nice distraction :)took away a lot of my nerves i think. thanks 4 your kind words too, they meant so much!
What sweet pictures Lauren! Praying for your Matt, praying for you while he's away. :(
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